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Coffee Plant - 15 Coffea Arabica Indoor House Plant Seeds

Coffee Plant - 15 Coffea Arabica Indoor House Plant Seeds

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Coffea Arabica is believed to be the first coffee plant species to have been cultivated, today it is also the most dominant variety representing around 60% of global production. These tropical plants originated in Southwestern Ethiopia.

Four years after sowing the exotic seeds the coffee plant produces white flowers which then bear berries. Each of these contains two rare seeds which eventually become the coffee beans we use to brew coffee!

Coffee plants are easy to grow and make a great feature in any kitchen.

When to Sow Arabica Coffee Seeds

  • Sow indoors all year round! The Coffee Plant should be in a warm location to germinate.
  • Germination can take 2-6 months, though we have seen success in as little as three weeks!

How to Grow Arabica Coffee

  1. Place your seeds in a bowl with slightly warm water for 3 days, changing the water daily. This starts the germination process. 
  2. Drain the seeds and very gently remove the outer skin of the seeds, this will then reveal green seeds. Fill your seed tray, or pots, with a mix of 50/50 compost and vermiculite or horticultural sand. Moisten the compost, then place one seed in each cell 1.5cm deep, and lightly cover with compost. 
  3. Cover the tray with a clear plastic zip-lock bag, or anything that lets light in and can create a greenhouse-like atmosphere. 
  4. Place in the warmest, brightest spot in your house, without being in direct sunlight during the germination process. The plastic cover will help with keeping the warmth in.
  5. Keep the soil moist but not saturated until the seeds germinate. Keep an eye on the plastic covering, if there is water dripping, loosen the plastic to give some ventilation as seeds can rot otherwise.
  6. Germination time can be anywhere between 2 and 6 months.
  7. Transplant to individual 8cm pots once each seedling is large enough to handle, and water well. Keep the pots in indirect sunlight and keep the compost moist but not soaked.

Top tip: You’ll need to be patient for your harvest. Coffee plants tend to begin to bear fruits when they are 3-4 years old. Pick the cherries when they are a deep red colour.


  • Free shipping to UK addresses.
  • Orders dispatched within 1-2 days.
  • Seeds shipped in a padded envelope for protection.