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What to plant in January!

Vegetable, flower and houseplant seeds you can grow in January.

January is the perfect month to start your seeds indoors to give them the best start and increase your chances of getting a good crop. It may also be worth purchasing a heated propagator as these can provide the perfect growing conditions for your seedlings otherwise, try keeping them in a greenhouse or cold frame. 

We have put together a list of all the seeds available at that you can start sowing this month. There are so many delicious, organic vegetables you can start growing and beautiful flowers to brighten up your garden! 

We have even included some helpful growing tips for you!


Radishes are great grilled, roasted, pickled and raw. They are also great in salads, soups and more!  

When to sow: Outdoors March to August, or in a greenhouse or similar, January to March, and September to October. 

When to harvest: Can be ready in as little as 4 weeks!

 Fun fact: Radishes, onions and garlic were paid as ‘wages’ to the Ancient Egyptian labourers who built the pyramids.



Grow your own organic Black Beauty Aubergine from seed, they are delicious and have become increasingly popular in recent years. Aubergines taste great with other vegetables roasted, they also make a great pairing with lamb.

When to sow: October to February.

When to harvest: Harvest from April onwards.

Top growing tip: Mist the foliage regularly, preferably twice daily with tepid water to discourage red spider mites and help fruit set.

Broad Bean

Broad Beans are a great accompaniment to so many meals. They are also rich in folate and B vitamins.

When to sow: January to April and October to November.

 When to harvest: May to August.

Top Tip: Your board beans are ready to harvest if the scar on the edge of the bean should be green or white in colour. If it is black the beans are past their best and will be chewy when eaten.


Grow your own organic carrots. Perfect roasted, boiled and raw, used in soups, cakes and so much more!

When to sow: A hardy variety that can be grown all year round! 

When to harvest: Approximately 90 days between sowing and maturity.

 Growing tip: 

Carrots are prone to carrot flies, if you know that they are a common occurrence in your area be sure to use a net over your containers or garden. Harvesting all your carrots at once can also help, as carrot fly is usually only an issue once you start harvesting.


Grow your own delicious peppers at home. This Californian Wonder variety produces blocky, square-shaped fruits, and is the largest open-pollinated, heirloom bell pepper you can grow. Peppers taste great in so many dishes, both cooked and raw. A great addition to your vegetable garden!

Sow: Early heated crop December to January, or maincrop March to April. 

Harvest: Early April to May and maincrop from July.

Pea Sprouts

Pea Sprouts are so easy to grow, especially with kids because there are only a few weeks between sowing and harvesting! They have a deliciously nutty flavour perfect for salads and stir-fries. 

When to sow: Can be sown indoors all year round!  

When to harvest: Harvest when they are 3-4 inches tall.  

Fun fact: Pea sprouts are high in fibre, rich in protein, and vitamins B3, B5 and B6!


Grow your own fresh, aromatic Basil at home.  Herbs are a great addition to any garden. They add colour and flavour, and they are easy to grow!

When to sow: Sow outdoors from February to June and indoors all year round!

 When to harvest: 50-75 days after planting your seeds. 

To create a full basil plant it will need to be pruned early on. When three sets of true leaves have appeared, there will be one on top and two sets on either side of the main stem. Once the two smaller sets start growing, you can cut off the main stem just above the set of leaves. Your plant should produce two more stems where the leaves are. When the new shoots are 4 inches long. Repeat this process on the new stems.

Top tip: Keep your basil plants on the dry side, and keep them sheltered from draughts. The key to a healthy basil plant is regular harvesting!

Sweet Pea

Sweet Peas are easy to grow and will bring some wonderful colour to your garden. This variety has a dwarf habit so will reach 30cm and flower early. 

When to sow: October to November or Late January to April.

 Flower type: Annual.

When they begin flowering, remove dead flower heads as often as possible to stop your plants from going to seed and no longer flowering.

House Plants 

We have a very large range of beautiful house plant seeds, so you can grow your very own house plants!

Indoor plants are perfect for the urban gardener. Not only do they make your home look amazing but many indoor plant varieties are also known for their ability to purify the air in your home!


Parlour Palm

Parlour palms are beautiful and bring elegance to any room, they are one of the slowest growing house plants and it can take decades for them to reach their full height. Parlour palms are great for air purifying! 

When to sow: All year indoors.

Germination: 2-3 months.

Top tip: They thrive in humid conditions, so your bathroom, conservatory or greenhouse is the ideal location for your Chamaedorea Elegans! 

Coffee Plant

Coffea Arabica plants make a great feature and talking point in your home, they are perfect for your coffee-obsessed friends! Coffee plants thrive when placed in a relatively warm spot and when the soil is kept moist.

When to sow: All year indoors.

Germination:  2-6 months.

Top tip: You’ll need to be patient for your harvest. Coffee plants tend to begin to bear fruits when they are 6 years old. Pick the cherries when they are a deep red colour.

Mixed Cacti

The best thing about growing Cacti plants is how easy they are to care for. They require very little watering and much prefer being too dry rather than too wet. With our Mixed Cacti seed pack, you can grow your own Cacti in a variety of shapes and sizes. 

When to sow: All year indoors.

Germination: 3-5 weeks.

Growing tip: Once well established, your cacti plants will only need watering sparingly between March and September but then avoid watering completely for the rest of the year.


We hope this blog has been helpful and given you some inspiration for what seeds you can start this month and given you some ideas of what you can get up to this weekend in the garden!

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