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10 Reasons Why You Should Start Container Gardening

There really are so many benefits to container gardening. It gives those people who have a balcony, patio or terrace with no grass or soil the opportunity to grow delicious herbs, fruits and vegetables or beautiful flowers.

What is container gardening?

Container gardening refers to the growing of plants and even bushes and small trees in containers rather than straight into the ground. A container in gardening terms is a small, enclosed and usually portable object.

A container can range from a yoghurt pot to large purpose bought pots and anything else you can find in between. Charity shops are fabulous places to find something second hand that could be turned into a planter!

Here is a list of 10 reasons why you should start container gardening:

  • You don’t need a garden.

You don’t need a huge garden or any soil patches, or even an outside space, you could have your container garden indoors. All you need is a sunny spot and your plants will thrive!

  • Great soil guaranteed.

Many gardeners spend months trying to get their soil to the right nutrient content and consistency. With container gardening, you choose exactly which nutrient-rich compost you would like based on the seeds you are growing, this also contributes to a high success rate.

  • You don't necessarily need pots.

As discussed earlier in the post you can use almost anything as a container and really create your own style in your space. Gardens really should be an extension of your inside space, they are just as exciting to design and a chance to get creative. Get online and google garden planter ideas, there is so much amazing inspiration out there.

  • Mobile.

The best thing about container gardening is it’s portable! If you move you can take it with you, and if you go on holiday you can temporarily relocate them to someone else’s house whilst your away. Has the light changed in your space with the season, simply move them to a spot that gets more sunlight. Harsh winter weather coming? You can move them indoors, or move them to a garage. You can also wrap the pots in a hessian or bubble wrap.

  • Less need for weeding.

There is less need for weeding when planting in containers as there isn’t usually any space for them to grow with all the delicious produce.

  • Decorating with containers.

You can get some beautiful containers at the moment to brighten up your space or even paint your own! They are a great way to make your outdoor space homely and to help the flow between the indoors and outdoors.

  • Easy cleanup.

When it comes to the end of the season using containers makes it so easy to empty your pots, clean them and start again. 

  • Less strenuous.

When it comes to container gardening, you can have the option of raised planters. This makes gardening a much less strenuous task if you have problems bending down for long periods of time etc. 

  • You can grow almost anything.

As long as you check how much space and depth the seed variety you have chosen needs and you can cater to this in your space, you can grow anything you like! Many people may not know but you can even grow carrots, parsnips and potatoes in deep containers very successfully.

  • Not as much maintenance as you think.

Many people assume that container gardens need to be watered much more often because the soil in pots dries out much faster. However, the larger container you use, the more soil it holds and therefore it stays moist longer and resists rapid temperature fluctuations. These are both great for successful gardening.


I urge anyone with no outdoor space that they can plant straight into to take up container gardening, even just starting with one or two containers. I guarantee you will love the feeling of growing and eating your own delicious, fresh produce!

I really believe container gardening is the way forward, it is so much easier workload wise and you have so much more flexibility when it comes to moving the containers around for various reasons, that it just works fabulously!

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