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Seeds To Sow In July!

We have put together a list of all the seeds available at that you can start sowing in July. There are so many delicious, organic vegetables you can start growing and beautiful flowers to brighten up your garden! 

We have even included some helpful growing tips for you!


Grow your own Organic Turnips at home.  Perfect baked, mashed, or steamed, and can be used in the same way you would use a potato! They are also great in stews, soups and as an accompaniment with pork, beef and chicken. 

When to sow: March to August. 

When to harvest: June to November.

 Did you know you can even eat the turnip leaves, they are very popular in Italy!


Grow your own organic carrots. Perfect roasted, boiled and raw, used in soups, cakes and so much more!

When to sow: A hardy variety that can be grown all year round! 

When to harvest: Approximately 90 days between sowing and maturity.

 Growing tip: 

Carrots are prone to carrot fly, if you know that they are a common occurrence in your area be sure to use a net over your containers or garden. Harvesting all your carrots at once can also help, as carrot fly is usually only an issue once you start harvesting.

Lambs Lettuce

Grow your own fresh Lamb’s Lettuce at home.  Oriental vegetables such as lamb's lettuce are becoming increasingly popular, it is perfect raw in salads, and as a side vegetable with any meal!

Sow: Outdoors July to September, and inside all year round. 

Harvest: 6 weeks after planting your seeds.

Top tip: In the high summer months keep your lambs lettuce out of direct sunlight as the leaves can wilt. Lamb’s lettuce can also be very attractive to weeds and slugs so be sure to keep on top of this.


Grow your own delicious, fresh cabbages at home. A very nutritious vegetable that goes perfectly with pork, lamb, beef, chicken and all other poultry. It is extremely versatile and can be cooked in a number of ways, such as sliced and stir-fried, roasted, braised or blanched.

When to sow: May to August.

When to harvest: Approximately 75 days after planting.

Your cabbages will be ready for harvesting approximately 75 days after planting. Harvest by cutting close to ground level with a kitchen knife, if you cut across on the stump a secondary crop of small cabbages can appear from the cut surface.


Grow your own fresh calabrese broccoli at home, a great accompaniment to so many dishes. Broccoli is known for its beneficial health effects, it is high in fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, potassium and more.  

When to sow: Start indoors in March. Direct sow from April to July.

When to harvest: Harvest June to December.

 Growing fact: Better heads are produced during cooler summers as hot weather can encourage plants to go to seed prematurely.

Spring Onion

Spring onions have a very similar taste to onions but much milder. They are great cooked or raw and make a fabulous addition to a range of delicious meals. 

When to sow: March to September.

When to harvest: June to April. 

Did you know that Spring Onions are an excellent source of vitamin C and calcium. They are also a good source of dietary fibre and vitamins A and B5=6, thiamine, folate and mineral.


Nigella's are easy to grow and will bring some wonderful colour to your garden.

Sow: Sow indoors or undercover, September to November, or outdoors April to August.

Plant Type: Hardy Annual

Excellent cut flower variety. Sow some nigella seeds every 2-3 weeks for a continuous, beautiful display.


When to sow: February to July.

 Plant type: Non-hardy Perennial.

 Top tip: Lavender can make for an interesting flavouring for cakes and other recipes, it is also well known for its relaxing properties and can be used in homemade candles, soaps and bath oils.


At this time of year you can plant most herb varieties inside and out! Here at Seed n Sow we have a lovely range of organic, fragrant herbs for you to grow and add to your delicious recipes!

House Plants

We also have a very large range of beautiful house plant seeds.

Indoor plants are perfect for the urban gardener, and for anyone who wants to bring some of the outside in. Not only do they make your home look great, but many indoor plant varieties are also known for their ability to purify the air in your home!

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